Artificial Intelligence

EFOMP hereby announces a new Special Interest Group (SIG) in “Artificial Intelligence”. The SIG will operate under the Projects Committee and is established as a permanent structure.
Artificial intelligence has been on the forefront of research over the past few years in different areas concerning the medical physics field. This research concerns all specialities of Medical Physics including Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy and Radiation Protection, covering fields from image improvement and analysis to target volume definition and dosimetry applications. Current research in AI has moved beyond the "hype" phase and primarily concerns (i). impact evaluation of proposed algorithms through multi-centre studies and challenges; (ii). the development of robust, reproducible and explainable AI solutions.
Increasing activities around such projects are evident at the EU level calls for proposals but also within all technical and clinical professional societies/associations many of whom EFOMP has a relationship with. Although research continues, there are also more and more of these algorithms that find their way in clinical practice. These facts highlight the need for EFOMP to put together a permanent cross-specialities SIG on AI in order to be able to handle the multiple projects emerging and associated activities in the field. This WG will also ensure that EFOMP is a leading organisation in the different aspects of the field. It will coordinate within the AI field EFOMP's efforts amongst others, in projects' participation/organisation, interaction with other societies/organisations, definition of education and training needs for MPEs, participation in legislative/policies initiatives.
SIG_AI governance
The Steering Committee members elected on October 2024 for a 3-year term are:
- Dimitris Visvikis, France
- Federica Zanca, Belgium
- Gabriele Guidi, Italy
- Marco Meinschad, Austria
- Mauro Iori, Italy
- Oliver Díaz, Spain
- Paul Doolan, Cyprus
- Richard Meades, UK
- Stephan Nekolla, Germany
- Convener: Dimitris Visvikis, France
- Vice Convener: Oliver Diaz, Spain
- Secretary: Marco Meinschad, Austria
SIG_AI Application Procedure
EFOMP National Member Organisations Members, Individual Associate Members, Company Members, liaisons to EFOMP affiliated organisations can apply to be a member of this SIG electronically using the application form. A professional CV highlighting expertise in AI (max 3 pages PDF only) is required to be submitted.
Nominations can be sent anytime during the life of the SIG. Internal rules, nominations for steering committee members, SIG priorities were discussed at the kick-off meeting. The AI SIG kick off meeting was held on 2nd of September 2024.
SIG_AI Founding members
- Dimitris Visvikis, France
- Renata Madru, Sweden
- Stephan Nekolla, Germany
- Kuangyu Shi, Germany
- George Kagadis, Greece
- Alberto Torresin, Italy
- David Scicluna, Malta
- Paul Doolan, Cyprus
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