EFOMP School for Medical Physics Experts Upcoming Editions

ESMPE open courses

ESMPE editions in 2025



EFOMP together with the European School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE), the European Network for Training and Education of Medical Physics Experts (EUTEMPE), the European Cancer Organisation (ECO) and in collaboration with the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), European Trade Association (COCIR) , International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP ) organises the EFOMP course 'Leading Medical Physics to a Sustainable Future' on 17th-19th March 2025 in Brussels and online.


EFOMP e-learning platform

The material of the online phase of the Artificial Intelligence in Medical Physics school will be available to read at anytime inside the  elearning platform  

EFOMP school material, either in the format of video recordings, presentations or both, will be accessible to the Individual Associate Members (IAM) via the EFOMP e-learning website platform. Security credentials will be sent to all individual associate members  by the system adnministrators (e-learning@efomp.org). EFOMP e-learning platform

The Individual Associate Members category is available since February 2020 via EFOMP website and the annual fee will be 15 euros as approved by the EFOMP Council Meeting in Warsaw, Poland (12th October 2019).



The quality of educational events in Medical Physics is maintained by using the EBAMP accreditation system. The EFOMP school editions are accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics (EBAMP) http://www.ebamp.eu/

ESMPE - Quantitative MRI: basic principles, optimization, quality assurances, - Milan, October 2024 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 (APP00281) and awarded 35 CPD credit points (26 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination) 

ESMPE - The role of Medical Physicists in Clinical Trials, - Munich, September 2024 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 14 CPD credit points

ESMPE - Advances in PET Imaging and quantification, - Munich, September 2024 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 16 CPD credit points

ESMPE - Radiobiology in Radiotherapy, - Munich, September 2024 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 14 CPD credit points

ESMPE - Artificial Intelligence in Medical Physics,- Prague & online, course part 1 (from December 2022), course part 2 October 2023 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 58 CPD credit points (41 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination)

ESMPE - SBRT,- Prague & online, July 2023 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 31 CPD credit points (23 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination)

ESMPE - Computed Tomography,- Prague & online, January 2023 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 34 CPD credit points (24 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination) 

ESMPE - European School for Medical Physics Experts EFOMP protocol for quality control of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis – Dublin, August 2022 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 14 CPD credit points

ESMPE - European School for Medical Physics Experts EFOMP protocol for quality control of PET/CT PET/MR scanners – Dublin, August 2022 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 14 CPD credit points

ESMPE - European School for Medical Physics Experts Adaptive Radiotherapy: Pros and Cons of In-room versus Out-of-Room Imaging – Dublin, August 2022 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 14 CPD credit points

ESMPE - MRI in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning -online,  May 2021 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 18 CPD credit points

ESMPE - Hybrid Approaches in Radiation Therapy, October 2021 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 23 CPD credit points

ESMPE - Radiation Shielding in Medical Installations,- Prague & online, February 2022 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 49 CPD credit points (37 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination) 

ESMPE - Statistics in Medical Physics - Athens, November 2020 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 39 CPD credit points (33 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination) 

ESMPE - Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry, Practical approach – Prague, January 2019 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 38 CPD credit points

ESMPE - State of the art and new trends of angiographic equipment: Image quality, Patient and Staff dosimetry – Prague, July 2019 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 34 CPD credit points (25 CPD credit points for those participants who do not sit for or do not pass the examination)

ESMPE - Treatment Planning Systems - Warsaw, October 2019 has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 33 CPD credit points (25 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination)

Registration fee 

In person editions

Seasonal 2.5 days editions

Registration fee (early): 300 euros

Registration fee (late): 350 euros

Reduced registation fee (subsidized by EFOMP, first come basis): 150 euros. Detailed information on reduced fees can be found at each edition's programme

Reduced registration fee (2022-2023)

Subsidized by EFOMP - for the attendees coming from the following European countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine


Online editions

The editions are available ONLY for EFOMP IAM.


Registration to online editions

Login to Individual Associate Members platform using your credentials and choose the school edition which is open for registration. Upon registration you will receive an email from the GoToWebinar platform which is being used for the virtual EFOMP school editions and webinars/masterclasses.


Cancellation Policy

There will be no penalty for registration cancellations received 60 days before the first day of the course. The full amount paid minus a processing fee and wire transfer or credit card costs will be refunded.
A cancellation fee of 50% of the full registration fee plus a processing fee and wire transfer or credit card costs will be applied for cancellations received  30 days before the first day of the course.
A cancellation fee of 75% of the full registration fee plus a processing fee and wire transfer or credit card costs will be applied for cancellations received 15 days before the first day of the course.
No refund will be issued for cancellations received less than 14 days before the first day of the course.
All cancellations must be sent in writing via e-mail (webmaster@efomp.org) . Cancellation confirmation will be sent within one week.


Refunded payments rules STRIPE