Current projects

EFOMP is very delighted to be invited to take part in a project as a cosortium member or endorse different projects that have an impact on and connection to medical physics profession, research, education as well as to the field of radiation protection.

However, we need time to evaluate and discuss the project before endorsing or joining projects. Please see the procedure and related documents at Projects committee subpage.

EFOMP as a Consortium Member (2022-2026)

1. HORIZON-EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-13 'ENEN# ENENplusplus: Building European Nuclear Competence through continuous Advanced and Structured education and training actions'

Nuclear power and non-power technologies are technically very complex facilities that operate in the increasingly challenging regulatory framework and market conditions. Excellent workforce should remain the basic enabler of safe long-term operation of existing and development of advanced facilities.
  • A detailed insight into the EU supply and demand of nuclear human resources for power and non-power applications will be developed. This will include industries, academia, technical safety organizations and regulators.
  • Higher number of nuclear talents will be achieved through dedicated career-related events and competitions for high school pupils and teachers, students (BSc, MSC, PhD), postdocs and lifelong learners.
  • A strong mobility program will support over 100 person-years of nuclear career-enhancing experience to about 1.000 learners with over 2,5 million EUR.

ENEN2plus project kicked off at the end of June 2022. With an hybrid meeting held in Brussels, 53 partners came together to present their actions for the next 4 years of nuclear education and training.
ENEN2plus will be the largest cross border mobility action to date. 2.5 Million euros are expected to finance the mobility of more than 1000 people doubling the figures of the previous ENENplus project.



2.HORIZON-EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-10 'SECURE: Strengthening the European Chain of sUpply for next generation medical RadionuclidEs”

SECURE project aims to make a major contribution to the sustainability of medical isotope production and its safe application in Europe. It is focusing on promising developments in the design of irradiation targets, production routes for existing and new isotopes in nuclear therapy and diagnostics. Isotopes critical in the success of nuclear medicine are selected and research activities are identified to address some of the major challenges in securing its future availability, with the objectives:

  • to remove critical barriers along the production of its selected alpha and beta emitting isotopes that restrict a sustainable production,
  • to develop a framework of guidance and recommendations that enables exploring the full clinical potential of alpha and beta particle therapy and its safe application
  • to provide important lessons learned that act as a demonstration case for addressing issues in upscaling and sustained isotope production.

At present, Ra-223 is the only radiopharmaceutical which has been granted marketing authorization to treat adults with prostate cancer. This has paved the way for a wider use of other alpha emitters such as Ac-225 or Bi-213. The expected demand of nuclear medicine for novel alpha emitters and beta- emitters requires re-evaluation of their production methods and inventories of target materials and parent radionuclides.
The ambition of SECURE consortium is to identify and efficiently use the current resources for new radionuclides, in particular for alpha emitters and the relevant beta emitting theranostic radionuclides. The development of alternative technologies for production of such therapeutic radionuclides for improved patient treatment requires multidisciplinary scientific and technological knowledge including physics, chemistry, material science, machining of target materials, chemistry, biology and radiobiology, radiopharmacy and nuclear medicine. All this chain of expertise is present in SECURE consortium.



3. ENER/D3/2021-253-2 'SAMIRA Study on the Implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom Requirements for Medical Equipment with Respect to Monitoring and Control of Patient’s Radiation Exposures'

The specific objective of the study is to support Member States in the implementation of the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom requirements for medical radiological equipment.This project aims at:


4. ENER/D3/2022-402 (ENER/LUX/2022/OP/0008) 'MARLIN -Safety in Medicine by Incident Learning in Ionising Radiation Applications in Europe'

SAMIRA Study on reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in radiotherapy, interventional cardiology, nuclear medicine and interventional and diagnostic radiology.

The MARLIN project is a EC funded initiative awarded by contract to a joint EFOMP/ESTRO consortium. The purpose is to

“Support the implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom by providing a comprehensive description of the current status of incident reporting and develop consensus guidelines on reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in radiotherapy, interventional cardiology, nuclear medicine, and interventional and diagnostic radiology in Europe”

It is a 2 year project with 4 elements

WP1 – to design, circulate and analyse a survey and conduct interviews on the implementation of Incident Learning Systems in Europe

WP2 -  to write a guideline on best practice for hospitals, professional societies and regulators

WP3 – to carry out consultations on the draft guidelines developed in WP2 with the relevant Member States’ competent authorities and European professional organisations

WP4 – to organise a workshop to present the results of the work carried out under WP 1-3

The convenors of WP1 have now designed 3 surveys on the practice and regulation of incident learning systems (ILSs) in Europe (EU-27 plus Norway and Switzerland) in all areas using ionising radiation in medicine, with regard to the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom – one for regulatory authorities, one for hospital departments and one for professional societies. 



5.  ENER/D3/2022-105 (ENER/LUX/2022/OP/0009) “Review and analysis of the transposition and implementation of the Basic Safety Standards provisions on Radiation Protection Expert (RPE), Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) and Medical Physics Expert (MPE) in EU MS”

The objective of this study is to review and assess in detail the transposition and implementation of the requirements for Radiation Protection Experts (RPE), Radiation Protection Officers (RPO) and Medical Physics Experts (MPE) of the BSS Directive (Council Directive 2013/59), in the EU-27 Member States and in the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland. This study is intended to be an essential part of the transposition and conformity checks. It shall have a particular focus on the practical implementation of the Articles providing for the definition, roles and responsibilities, as well as education, training, and retraining of RPE, RPO and MPE as well as the detailed arrangements for their recognition.


6. ENER/D3/2024-244 (ENER/LUX/2024/OP/0020) "SAMIRA Study on criteria for acceptability of medical radiological equipment"

The criteria for acceptability of medical radiological equipment, as outlined in RP 162, were established over a decade ago. Since then, technological advancements in the field of radiological equipment have significantly enhanced performance, making most of the original 347 suspension levels outdated. As a result, current state-of-the-art equipment often meets or exceeds these criteria without additional intervention. Moreover, certain criteria such as the measurement of image receptor air-kerma per frame in X ray dynamic systems are no longer recommended in modern quality control protocols. This highlights the need to reassess and update these criteria to align with current practices and technological capabilities.
 In addition to updating existing criteria, extending the criteria for acceptability to encompass new and emerging types of radiological equipment is a critical need. These include digital breast tomosynthesis, hybrid imaging systems (e.g., SPECT-CT, PET-CT, PET-MRI), photon- counting CT, MRI linear accelerators, and particle therapy systems. Furthermore, new techniques, such as CBCT used in conventional image-guided radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapies, require more accurate dose computation, advanced treatment planning systems, improved patient positioning and enhanced 2D dosimetry, among other patient-specific quality assurance devices.
3Equipment considered obsolete and no longer in use in Europe must be identified, e.g., gamma cameras used for coincidence imaging, 2D PET systems, kilovoltage units used for roentgen therapy, or screen-film cassettes as radiographic image receptors, conventional 2D simulators or 60Co units for radiotherapy and remove them from the report.


7. EURAMED: European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research

The European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research (EURAMED) represents a consortium of associations involved in the application of ionising radiation in medicine, namely the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), the European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS), the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) with the goal of jointly improving medical care and its medical radiation protection issues through sustainable research efforts. Since October 1st, 2017 EURAMED is a non-profit organisation registered in Austria.