ESMPE European School for Medical Physics Experts 2018
Publication Date: Dec 19th, 2017 00:00, Category: ESMPE Announcements
The EFOMP and COCIR (The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would like to invite you to the next ESMPE CT 2018.
The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with Computed Tomography. The school will cover the main physics aspects of the CT technology, Dosimetryand Optimization. This edition is jointly organized by EFOMP and COCIR. Lecturers identifed by COCIR will give insides on the technical solution adopted by manufacturers in the relevant felds of CT dose reduction and optimization. This two-and-half day event is accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a EQF Level 8 event and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Computed Tomography. As in last year’s school, there will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certifcation beyond attendance.
For more information:
ESMPE CT 2018 flyer Size: 3,91 MB
ESMPE CT 2018 flyer with programme Size: 4,43 MB