A primer on ventilators and organ support systems for medical physicists during the COVID crisis - Lockdown Webinar

Publication Date: Apr 17th, 2020 12:28, Category: EFOMP Announcements

2nd lockdown webinar

After over four hundred registrations for our first event  “Risk Assessment for Mobile Radiography Outside Intensive Care Units”, IAPM and  EFOMP are pleased to announce the second lockdown lecture on Tuesday 21st, April at 12 CET:

“A primer on ventilators and organ support systems for medical physicists during the COVID crisis” given by Fran Hegarty,  Chief Healthcare Technology Officer, New Children's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Panelist will be Carola van Pul, Clinical Physicist at Maxima Medical Center, Eindhoven, Netherlands and the webinar will be chaired by David Lavin, President of IAPM and Paddy Gilligan, Vice President of EFOMP.

Registration to the recording: View this recording

To access the video recording, please complete the registration process and you will then be immediately directed to the video.


1st lockdown webinar

A link of the 1st IAPM-EFOMP informative webinar entitled “Risk Assessment for Mobile Radiography Outside Intensive Care Units” recording is accessible here: View this recording

Please send your comments and suggestions to Paddy Gilligan, Efi Koutsouveli, David Lurie via:  webmaster@efomp.org